The Cacti Crib

A Desert for All Cacti


A Desert for All Cacti

This website is done with my passion that is hunting me ever since I started to realize I am into this kind of things. I am not an open person as I know but in this crib I hope to be someone whom I long to be. A writer, someone who shares random opinion, and shares random thoughts to random person.

It’s a big decision for me to name this website “The Cacti Crib”. I have picked so many names and go to so many website to found the name I thought would fit in my website but the baby names for boys and girls did not help me much.

“The Cacti Crib” comes up the second I was writing the Site Tagline above. And I’m in love with it. I originally put “A Cacti” in the Tagline because I thought that is me. And yes that is now the name of the website. Viola. I am not as delicate as a flower but I am so normal as cacti. I haven’t find out which kind of cacti I am but this place will be sure open for everyone what ever they are.

This Cacti Crib is a safe place for all the Cacti.

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